Flemington Main Street PRE-REGISTRATION FORM
Deadline by 4 pm Thursday week of Show

Ron Van Horn will not be held responsible for any damage done to my person or automobile. For a, or no reason at all, Ron Van Horn has the right to disallow me from participating in the Classic Car Show.
I understand that if I am in Flemington Borough or Raritan Twsp for the purposes of attending a Car-Show, I am aware of the potential dangers that may be associated with being a part of any car-show. I assume all liability associated with the inherent risks of said Car-Show as it may relate to my personal property, or to any injury I may sustain in connection with said car-show. Under no circumstances will I look to the Ron Van Horn, or Flemington Borough or Raritan Twsp, for damages my personal property may incur in connection with said Car-Show, nor will I look to Ron Van Horn, Flemington Borough or Raritan Twsp for an injury I may be involved with as a result of said Car-Show. I further agree to hold Ron Van Horn, Flemington Borough, or Raritan Twsp harmless in any claim whatsoever that I may be directly or indirectly involved with as a result of any known personal injury or property damage suffered in connection with said Car-Show.